中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[医] 缘


1. margo, I thought we agreed, no guns.

玛格 我不是说好了不带枪吗

2. margo, this is your decision. I'll do whatever you want.

玛戈 这是你的决定 我会随你所愿

3. margo, at the rate your cancer is growing, we don't have weeks to act.

玛戈 以你肿瘤扩散的速度 手术等不了几周之久

4. margo thinks you're ing with her, trying to raise the bid.

玛戈觉得你是在耍她 好抬高收购价

5. margo, we're gonna get you medicine to help you feel better.

玛戈 我们会给你开药让你感觉好些

6. margo, you have a medical history that strongly suggests domestic abuse.

玛戈 你的病历显示 你很有可能遭受了家暴

7. margo, because of your pregnancy, you chose not to have chemotherapy or radiation, which would have shrunk or controlled your lymphoma.

玛戈 你出于怀孕的考虑 选择了不使用化学疗法或是放射疗法 而这两项会缩小并有效控制你的淋巴瘤

8. margo, I only want to fulfill a promise I made to a friend of many years.

玛格 我只想兑现对老朋友许下的诺言

9. margo could crack a bank vault in less than eight minutes under withering pressure.

玛戈能在高度紧张之下 在八分钟内 打开银行保险库

10. margo's medical records with millions of other patient profiles and predict the probability of likely underlying pathology.

将玛戈的病历和其他上百万病历比较 预测出潜在病理的可能性



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

