中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ə'sɪmɪləbl] 美 [ə'sɪmɪləbl]

a. 可同化的
[医] 能同化的

s. able to be absorbed and incorporated into body tissues


1. ...assimilate them, shape them into a course of action.

...理清思路 想出办法

2. No, we are way past any point of assimilation here.

不 早就不是要融入这里的问题了

3. hair in the '80s became all about assimilation.


4. Alien demons, they don't want to assimilate with us.

外星魔鬼 他们不想和我们打成一片

5. She's finally trying to assimilate and that's so very important to us.

她总算试着认同我们了 这对我们十分重要

6. Something about you, about your condition is fighting the assimilation protocol.

你的身体 你的情况 在与模拟协议对抗

7. I would never have believed that assimilation could be undone on this scale.

我以前绝不会相信 去除民族同化能以如此规模进行

8. With this special, we will assimilate this younger generation's culture into ours.

面对这种情况 我们必须将 年轻一代的文化与我们的同化起来

9. In their culture, they believe that it helps assimilate the personality of the deceased into their own.

在他们的文化中 他们认为这样 能让死者与他们融为一体

10. Reminds me of all my aunts and uncles who just refused to assimilate.

他让我想起我那些 不愿融入美国生活的叔叔阿姨们



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

