中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [əˌsəʊsɪ'eɪʃənəl] 美 [əˌsoʊsɪ'eɪʃənəl]

a. 联想的;协会的

a. of or relating to associations or associationism


1. I hope you don't think we're guilty by association, because then we would have to think you're guilty by association, which we don't.

希望你没有认为我们是同谋 要不然我们就会 觉得你是同谋 而我们都不是同谋

2. Well, those who contribute the most to an association of this character, namely an association that aims at the good, should have a greater share in political rule and in the honors of the polis.

那些为这种 目标为善的团体 贡献最多的人们 应该拥有更多 统治权 在城邦中有更高地位

3. So you're seeing a lot of activation in areas which we know are associated with rewards such as the orbital frontal cortex but also area like the ventral striata and amygdala which we associate with addiction and an emotional response to food.

你可以看到与回报机制有关的区域 例如眶额叶皮层 被大面积地激活了 还有腹侧纹状体和杏仁核 它们通常会联系到 上瘾和对食物的感性反应

4. I'm the only associate with a secretary.


5. And that your girlfriend is your associate.

而他的女朋友 是你的初级律师

6. You don't know what she does or who she associates with.

你不知道她是干什么的 或认识什么人

7. There is no "and associates" not anymore.

你的团队都解散了 已成过去

8. I'll have an associate look into it for you.


9. She was a partner; I was an associate.

她是合伙人 我只是律师

10. But the problem is, i'm an associate.

可问题是 我现在是一名律师



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

