中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


[人名] 班宁; [地名] [美国] 班宁

n an official prohibition or edict against something
v forbid the public distribution of ( a movie or a newspaper)
v prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure
v ban from a place of residence, as for punishment
v expel from a community or group


1. Don't doubt for a minute that if they thought they could get away with it, they would ban guns and ban ammunition.

千万别被骗了 要是他们认为不会有后果 绝对会立马禁止 和弹药

2. Yeah, and now you're banned, like how the volstead act banned alcohol from the country in 1919.

现在你被禁了 就像1919年 禁酒法案要全国禁酒一样

3. The oking ban applies to everyone, I can't make exceptions and we can't step in every time to apply the ban.

禁烟令适用于任何人 我不能搞特殊 而且我们也不能每次都介入禁令的实施

4. Since the ban was introduced 10 years ago, countries around the world have since also banned plastic bags.

十年前 禁塑令生效以來 世界各國都開始禁用塑料袋

5. So...I banned myself from a few casinos.

所以... 我禁止我自己进入某些赌场

6. I can't, because I am for the straw ban.

我做不到 因为我支持禁吸管

7. You should do I what I do ban all playdates.

你应该学我 禁止所有玩伴来家里

8. There's still a few casinos I haven't been banned from.


9. As I understood it, you'd banned me from this house.

就我理解 你曾禁止我进入这屋子

10. he's banned you from the hotel, ma'am.

禁止你进入酒店了 女士



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

