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音标: 英 [ˈeksəʊskelɪtn] 美 [ˌɛksoˈskɛlɪtn]

n. 外骨胳, 外甲
[医] 外骨骼

n. the exterior protective or supporting structure or shell of many animals (especially invertebrates) including bony or horny parts such as nails or scales or hoofs


1. Or the fact that their exoskeletons are made of metal.


2. Unless you have an exoskeleton, which none of you do, then yes.

除非你们有外骨骼装甲 但你们都没有 所以是的

3. I think that bug's exoskeleton was made of metal.


4. It must have moulted. It's just empty exoskeleton.

它好像蜕皮了 只剩下骨骼的

5. Its surface has the appearance of stone with an exoskeleton of metal alloy.

表面看上去是石头 覆盖了一层金属合金的外骨骼

6. Future hybrids won't expose any artificial elements in their exoskeleton.

未来的混合型人工智能 不会在他们的外骨骼 暴露任何人造的元素

7. It has no antennas, and its exoskeleton doesn't contain the typical markers of a wasp.

它没有触角 而且外骨骼 跟黄蜂的特点不同

8. Well, the schematics you gave me appeared to be for a lightweight, protective exoskeleton.

你给我的原理图好像是 一个轻量 保护性的外骨骼

9. If, by "human", you mean clad in a grotesquely proportioned exoskeleton, yes *very* human.

如果想你说的 像人类的话 外面还覆盖着一层奇怪的外骨骼 的确 很像"人类"

10. Catra once used my rock hard exoskeleton as a nail file. I even had to buff.

卡特拉有一次用我坚硬的外壳 当指甲锉 我还得刮刀



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

