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音标: 英 [tʃɜ:tʃ] 美 [tʃɚtʃ]

n. 教堂, 礼拜, 教会
vt. 使人接受宗教仪式
a. 教堂的

n. one of the groups of Christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship
n. a place for public (especially Christian) worship
n. the body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church
v. perform a special church rite or service for


1. Let's put a little church in this church.


2. friends from church. I do go to church.

结识的好朋友 我的确经常去教堂

3. You don't wanna go to church, you don't have to go to church.

你不想去教堂 就不用去教堂

4. I know we're looking for the church; we ain't got to no church.

我知道在找教堂 但什么教堂都没找到

5. And that church is the very church that the most famous of all voodoo priestesses worshiped at.

那座教堂就是 最著名的所有巫毒女祭司做礼拜的教堂

6. Kid runs into your church, gets shot four times in your church.

一个孩子跑进了你的教堂 在你的教堂里被人射了四枪

7. All the money I had stashed up in the church building fund, she used it for her own ing church.

所有我存进教堂建设基金的钱 她把它花在自己的教堂上

8. And these people are your mom's church, your church that you keep telling me played such an important role in how you grew up.

这些人在 妈的教会里 也是你的教会 你一直告诉我 这个教会在你成长的过程中很重要

9. Being a kid in my household consisted of going to a lot of church activities, and hanging out with a lot of church kids.

我家的小孩 要参加许多教堂活动 和一堆教会小孩相处

10. And it will include a all plot for church members and recently deceasd relatives of church members.

它将有一小块墓地留给教会成员 和教会成员刚过世的亲属



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

