中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['æskɪŋ] 美 ['æskɪŋ]

n. 请求

n the verbal act of requesting
v inquire about
v make a request or demand for something to somebody
v direct or put; seek an answer to
v consider obligatory; request and expect
v address a question to and expect an answer from
v require as useful, just, or proper
v require or ask for as a price or condition


1. And I'm not asking you. I'm asking I'm asking her.

而且我没在问你 我在问 我在问她

2. They're going to ask me if I asked you, so I have to ask you.

他们会问我问你了吗 所以我必须问你

3. That's not what I asked. I asked you what it does.

我问的不是这个 我是问你它能干什么

4. I'd asked you this before, and I'll ask it again.

我曾问过你 我要再问你一次

5. You shouldn't have to ask. I shouldn't have to ask.

你压根就不需要开口 我就不该问

6. So you'll do what I ask when I ask it.


7. Don't ask me that. I'm asking you.

这个别问我 我就是在问你

8. I didn't ask what you do. I asked you why you were here.

我没有问你是干什么的 我问你为什么存在

9. He hasn't asked you what I begged him to ask, so I want to ask you myself.

他没有向您转述我的请求 所以我亲自来求您

10. They ask for something, you ask for something, then they ask for something.

你们互相开条件 讨价还价



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

