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音标: 英 [vaɪˈbreɪtə(r)] 美 [ˈvaɪˌbretɚ]

n. 振动装置, 振动器, 振动按摩器
[化] 振动器; 振子

n. a mechanical device that vibrates
n. mechanical device that produces vibratory motion; used for massage


1. Sounds are made by vibrations and those vibrations are made bigger when the objects we make vibrate can hit their resonance frequency.

声音是由振动产生 当我们用来制造振动的物体 达到其共振的频率时 振幅才会达到最大

2. They pick up vibrations on the glass, so you supply your own vibrations.

他们要捕捉玻璃的振动 那你就多制造点振动呗

3. Now, if any system that has vibration, what we see are vibrations that look like ripples in water.

任何可振动的物体 我们能看见水纹状振动

4. It's vibrating when the air molecules push against it and then tran its that pattern of vibration through three tiny little bones, the allest bones in your body.

当受到空气分子挤压时 它会发生振动 然后振动形式经由 三块小骨头传递 它们是人体最小的骨头

5. And it's doing that by causing all the air molecules in the atmosphere around us to start to vibrate, and what this sets up is a chain of movements of these air molecules, vibrating back and forth.

正是音叉的振动 导致我们周围环境中的 空气分子开始振动 这样这些空气分子 往复振动的连锁反应 就建立起来了

6. Now, if they're walking over vast distances, they can actually pick up these vibrations, so by putting their foot flat on the floor, they feel the vibrations, whatever the communication may be, through infrasound.

所以如果它们长途跋涉 就能接收到这种震动 把腿平放在地面上 可以通过次声波感受到震动 无论它们交流的内容是什么

7. It would be if I killed you with a vibrator.


8. What are you doing? I'm vibrating the chemoreceptors.

你在做什么 振动化学感受器

9. And it's not a vibrator in my purse.

我包里的 也不是震动棒

10. You know, I have a vibrator named after you.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

