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音标: 英 ['neɪbəhʊd] 美 [ˈnebɚˌhʊd]

n. 附近, 邻近

n. people living near one another
n. an area within a city or town that has some distinctive features (especially one forming a community)


1. Because that girl wants her kids out of the neighborhood, and they should be out of the neighborhood.

因为她不想她的孩子住在那种地方 他们确实也不该住在那种地方

2. What are you doing here? I was in the neighborhood.

你来这里干什么 刚好路过

3. They're taking them from the neighborhoods where they live into neighborhoods they would not be likely to visit.

在受害者居住的附近将其绑架 再带到他们不太可能去的地方

4. It's a very low crime neighborhood, or maybe I should say no crime neighborhood.

这附近犯罪率很低 或者我该说是零犯罪率

5. He had a plan to recruit entire neighborhoods before the neighborhoods even existed.

他计划在社区建立之前 就招募整个社区

6. Yeah, rich neighborhoods get faster care than poor neighborhoods.

是的 富人区的应急响应 比穷人区来得更快

7. In the broadest of terms, our unsub Is jumping from wealthy neighborhoods to poor neighborhoods, then back again.

说白了就是 我们的嫌犯从富有的街区 跳到了贫穷的街区 然后又回去了

8. We cannot and we must not stand for anyone thinking that they can come into this neighborhood our neighborhood and strike down one of our own.

我们无法也不可能忍受 有人会以为 他们可以来这个社区 我们的社区 杀死我们的人

9. Ladies and gentlemen, we are your friendly neighborhood bank robbers, except we're not friendly, and this sure as hell ain't our neighborhood.

女士们 先生们 我们是你们友好的社区银行劫匪 只是我们一点都不友好 这里也绝对不是我们的社区

10. Most crimes occur in minority neighborhoods, so it follows that the highest use of firearms also occurs in minority neighborhoods.

大多数的犯罪案件发生在少数族裔居住的社区 所以 才导致了在这些社区的 武器使用率最高



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

