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音标: 英 [kʌt] 美 [kʌt]

n. 切口, 割伤, 降低, 切, 割, 砍, 削, 伤口, 削减, 缩短, 删节, 通路
a. 经切割的, 缩减的
vt. 切, 割, 减少, 刺痛, 开辟, 雕刻, 删节, 缩短, 停止, 排斥, 切断, 关, 显出
vi. 切, 割, 砍, 刺痛, 相交, 抄近路, 剪辑
[计] 剪切

n. a share of the profits
n. (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next
n. a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation
n. a step on some scale


1. cutting melon, cutting chicken, cutting me, cut the baby.

切瓜 切鸡 切我 切宝宝

2. You want to cut me, then you cut me really cut me.

你想割我一刀就来啊 使劲

3. cut to footage, cut to footage, cut to the damn footage.

切到录像 切到录像 切到录像

4. I cut them off once, and I can cut them off again.

我曾经剪掉过它们 我还可以再剪一次

5. And I don't cut for the sake of cutting.


6. 加尔维斯顿警方 and their head cut off, their arms cut off, their legs cut off, and packaged up like garbage.

科迪·卡扎拉斯探员 还被砍下头 砍下手臂 砍下双腿 像垃圾一样被打包

7. And when he cut the fabric, he cut history.

他割断织物的时候 割断了历史

8. There's being cut off and there's being cut off there's isolation and there's isolation.

如果路被切断 那么他们就与世隔绝

9. Holding it stalk end up, cut either side of the stone, cut all the way into the flesh, making squares without cutting through the skin, then turn it inside out, and carefully cut your pieces off.

芒果竖立放置 从果核两边切开 将果肉完全切开 切成方块 注意不要切破果皮 向外翻出 把切好的小块小心地切下来

10. And I cut and I cut till I passed out.

我一直不停地切 切得昏了过去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

