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音标: 英 [ˌsentɪˈneərɪən] 美 [ˌsɛntəˈnɛrɪən]

n. 百岁老人
a. 百岁老人的

n. someone who is at least 100 years old
s. being at least 100 years old


1. What struck him were healthy centenarians living in his own community.

他突然想起了 社区里那些健康的百岁老人

2. Because our centenarians have longevity genes, they are protected against many of the effects of the environment.

因为我们的这些百岁老人都很长寿 大多数环境都影响不到他们

3. These centenarians do have strong personalities but they've not given their health too much thought.

这些百岁老人性格开朗 并没有过多担心过自己的健康

4. This makes the children of centenarians 20 times more likely to live to 100.

这让拥有长寿基因的小孩们 更有可能活到100岁

5. The third gene may explain why the centenarians seem to remain so engaged with life.

第三个基因可以解释 百岁老人为什么仍在享受生活

6. It seems there are two rules, one for these special centenarians and one for everyone else.

看起来有两条自然规律 一条是针对那些特别的百岁老人 一条是针对其他人

7. So his team conducted physical and cognitive asses ents and asked the 500 centenarians a range of lifestyle questions.

他的组员们为500位百岁老人 做了身体和认知能力的检查 并问了他们很多关于生活方式的问题

8. For most of us, how much we eat and exercise is key to how healthy we are and to how long we live but there was something rather shocking about these centenarians.

对于大多数人来说 我们的饮食和运动是否健康 是影响寿命长短的关键 但是 在这些百岁老人中 有更多令人惊讶的发现

9. Kidding aside, I think that ageing can be redefined after you see so many centenarians, like I do, and I'm really jealous of them.

不开玩笑 当你看到那么多百岁老人之后 或许你就会重新定义衰老的意义 你会和我一样 真的很嫉妒那些百岁老人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

