中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ʃɔkt]

a. 震撼的;震惊的

v surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off
v strike with disgust or revulsion
v strike with horror or terror
v collide violently
v collect or gather into shocks
v subject to electrical shocks
v inflict a trauma upon
s struck with fear, dread, or consternation


1. I was shocked... and then not shocked.

我很震惊 然后也没那么震惊

2. What did they do? In the placebo group, people on average required about 44p per shock to deliver the shocks to somebody else, whereas in the citalopram group, that increased to about 73p per shock.

这些药有什么作用 在对照组中 人们平均需要 支付44便士 才能去电击一次其他人 而在西酞普兰组 价格增加到一次电击73便士

3. What did you do then? I was shocked.

接下来你做了什么 我很震惊

4. Well, I am shocked...shocked to learn that politicians lie.

我真是震惊了 知道政客们撒谎真是惊人

5. He shocked me with that news, so I shocked his ass right back.

他让我吃了一惊 于是我也回敬了他一惊

6. This is shocking, and it's really hard to shock me since that time I saw a mouse dryhumping a potato on my couch.

真是难以置信 这年头姐已经很难被吓到了 尤其是上次看到一只老鼠 在我沙发上干操一个土豆之后

7. Once the shock passes, the shock of knowing that machines can do better than we can, the beneficial effect will be that we will have a burden removed off of our back, which is the burden of being the supreme intellectual creature on the planet.

当这种震撼消逝后 这种知道机器胜过人类的震撼一旦消逝 一个有利的影响是 我们能卸下肩上 曾经扛着的重担 即人类是地球上最智慧的物种

8. Honestly, we're as shocked as you are.

老实说 我们和你一样震惊

9. That is very shocking in the outfield.

露天体育场办得很好 外面湿气很重

10. I was as shocked as you are, obviously.

显然 我和你们一样震惊



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

