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音标: 英 [dʒu:l] 美 [dʒul, dʒaʊl]

n. 焦耳
[化] 焦耳

n. a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second
n. English physicist who established the mechanical theory of heat and discovered the first law of thermodynamics (1818-1889)


1. Come on, come on. Increase the joules to 20.

快 快 能量加到二十

2. Backoftheenvelope math says that's upwards of a million joules.

粗略算一下 木桩的能量将超过一百万焦耳

3. We shocked him with 360 joules, which is a horse kick to the chest.

我们用360焦电击他 这就像被马在胸口狠狠地踹了一脚

4. It will deliver 180 joules of energy with each pulse.


5. And oh, yeah, that’s each log, which means 2 million joules of energy hitting that van.

天哪 刚才算的能量是每根木桩 因此总共有两百万焦耳的能量 撞向那辆货车

6. We're almost doubling the speed, and the collision will create 880,000 joules of kinetic energy.

我们把速度提升了近一倍 这样的碰撞将产生88万焦耳的动能

7. A pure ice cannonball and half a pound of black powder with a potential muzzle energy of 20,000 joules.

一个纯净的冰炮弹和半斤的黑火药 炮口动能也许能达到两万焦耳

8. Under the right conditions, it has an explosive factor of 8,000 joules per gram, or that of a tiny, precise nuclear explosion.

在正确的条件下 每克纳尔赛特中的爆炸物 可释放8000焦耳能量 也可以造成小型精准核武器的爆炸效果

9. A plutoniumbased power source has a fraction of the joules necessary to generate a field stable enough to breach the interdimensional plane.

钚基电源 有一小部分关键焦耳可产生一块空地 足够稳定才能冲破多维平面



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

