中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈpʌndʒənt] 美 [ˈpʌndʒənt]

a. 刺激性的, 尖刻的, 苦痛的
[医] 冲味的, 刺激味的

s. strong and sharp


1. It had the same pungent ell as that tequila.


2. Yes, ells quite pungently of newt in there.

对 里面一股刺鼻的蝾螈味儿

3. There's a pungent ell that doesn't sit right with my palate.

我真的受不了它散发的那股 气味

4. No, I'm just enjoying the pungent aroma of those chips you're eating.

不 我只是很享受你在吃的 这些薯片的诱人香气

5. His longlasting and pungent spray carries his dating profile.


6. And this pungent relic remains behind for the last time you graced me with your presence.

还有这个 上次 之后 你落下的东西 你的出现让我很高兴

7. As well as this attractive wedge of pule, the world's most exclusive and pungent cheese.

以及这块吸引人的"普勒"奶酪 世界上最独特最刺鼻的乳酪

8. It's so strong and pungent but a little in the paste, a little in the food, it's just so savoury and fabulous.

它味道浓烈 但放一点在咖喱酱里 或者放一点在食物里 味道会十分美妙

9. Ah, the pungent scent of sardines gets my beak salivating every time.

沙丁鱼的香味儿每次 都能让我的鼻子都开始流口水

10. The first time she was given a real home to live in that didn't have the pungent ell of 409 and piss hanging in the air.

這是她第一次住進真正的家 這里沒有清潔劑的刺鼻味道 也沒有飄散在空氣中的尿味



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

