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音标: 英 [breɪk] 美 [brek]

n. 刹车, 阻碍, 丛林
v. 刹车

n. a restraint used to slow or stop a vehicle
n. any of various ferns of the genus Pteris having pinnately compound leaves and including several popular houseplants
n. an area thickly overgrown usually with one kind of plant
n. anything that slows or hinders a process


1. When you brake, like that, the brake pedal judders for you, so you know you're braking.

当你踩刹车的时候 像这样 刹车踏板就会抖 这样你就能知道自己在刹车

2. Shit, I've lost braking. I have lost braking.

该死 没有刹车了 我没刹车了

3. Even with the air brake up, clearly needs some managing under braking.

即便有尾翼刹车助力 显然还需要推迟刹车

4. When your foot is on the brake, the brake lights come on, on a car that works.

当你的脚踩着刹车时 刹车灯会亮着啊

5. It needs brakes, brake liners, shocks, new tran ission, and the engine's barely an engine.

这车还要刹车 制动衬片 减震装置 新变速器 而且引擎都坏得不成样子了

6. Current crop of warning lights on my truck include engine service soon, some sort of brake failure indicator, antilock brake failure indicator.

目前我皮卡上故障灯有 "引擎急需维修" 还有某种刹车故障灯 外加防抱死刹车系统故障灯

7. And then the driver then slams on his brakes, causing these skid marks, jams it in reverse, burning rubber here, backing over the victim while she lay prone on the ground, and then slamming on his brakes again here and then floors it into forward, hitting the victim for a third time before continuing out on the exit.

然后司机猛踩刹车 造成了这些轮胎痕 然后倒车 轮胎猛烈摩擦 又倒着轧在了死者身上 当时死者面部朝下 然后司机又在这里刹了车 然后向前开动 第三次碾过死者 然后继续向前驶离了出口

8. The way it works is you put your foot on the throttle and brake at the same time, and the car's computer works out exactly how many revs you need and exactly how much wheel spin to give the car so that you get an absolutely perfect start as soon as you just take your foot off the brake.

它工作的方式就是 左右脚同时分别踩住油门和刹车 并且车子的电脑会判断弹射所需要的精确转速 判断车子恰好需要多少车轮空转 也就是在你松开刹车的那一瞬间 能给你正好最完美的起步

9. Where are the brakes on this? I don't know.

这玩意怎么刹闸啊 不清楚

10. We did, but the brake was overridden.

是拦下了 可刹车被解除了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

