中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [hɜ:s] 美 [hɚs]

n. 灵车

n. a vehicle for carrying a coffin to a church or a cemetery; formerly drawn by horses but now usually a motor vehicle


1. I saw the hearse. It has to be here.

我之前看到灵车了 肯定在这里

2. I can't believe that douchebag stole our hearse.


3. I need to borrow the hearse. I'm sorry.

我还需要借用灵车 你说什么

4. You're gonna have to leave here the same way you came in, back of a hearse.

你从哪里进来就从哪里出去 灵车后面

5. This one calls an ambulance, that one calls a hearse.

这部喊救护车 那部喊灵车

6. The hearse is behind the funeral home, ready to go.

灵车在殡仪馆后面 随时可以出发

7. If the hearse drivers must oke, then facilities should be provided.

如果灵车司机一定要抽烟 那就给他们提供吸烟室

8. All right, just give me the full license plate on the hearse.

好吧 把灵车完整的车牌号给我

9. Three funeral homes in the county could be a potential match for the hearse.

本郡一共有三家殡仪馆 可能有我们要找的那种灵车

10. hearses, coffins, vans, a million ways to hide the children.

灵车和棺材还有货车 能藏匿孩子的地方数不胜数



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

