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音标: 英 [ˈɑ:nəld] 美 [ˈɑrnəld]

n. 阿诺德(男子名)

n. English poet and literary critic (1822-1888)
n. United States general and traitor in the American Revolution; in 1780 his plan to surrender West Point to the British was foiled (1741-1801)


1. And he used to let me drink as many of these arnold palmers as I wanted.

他以前也会让我 想喝多少柠檬茶就喝多少

2. arnold schwarzenegger, care enough about you to demand physical excellence.

阿诺德·斯瓦辛格 十分关心你们 要求你们有强健的体魄

3. arnold always held a somewhat dim view of people.


4. arnold and I made you in our image and cursed you to make the same human mistakes, and here we all are.

阿诺德和我以自己为模板创造了你 并让你会犯下人类的错误 现在事情变成了这样

5. arnold had watched his son come into this world, and then he had watched that light extinguished.

阿诺德目睹儿子降临人世 随后这丝光明又消失殆尽

6. arnold, my mom tells me that you have some kind of, um, amusement park type thing.

阿诺德 妈和我说你有个 什么娱乐公园什么的

7. arnold came to believe the tragic ones worked best, that it made the hosts more convincing.

阿诺德认为越悲惨的故事越好 能够让接待员更逼真

8. arnold wanted to kind of pick me up over his head and slam me into the walls and throw me around a little bit.

阿诺德想把我举到头顶 把我往墙上撞 然后再把我扔出去

9. arnold lied to us and tricked us, did all that crazy stuff... but if you think about it, that's kind of how our family shows love.

阿诺德骗了我们耍了我们 做这么多蠢事 但细细想一下的话 这不就是咱们家人表现爱的方式吗



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

