中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [kəm'plaɪ] 美 [kəmˈplaɪ]

vi. 顺从, 依从
[法] 遵守, 承诺, 照做

v. act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes


1. She's complying, but she's not happy about it.

她还算听话 但还是不太高兴

2. Paul, if we don't comply, they won't hesitate.

保罗 如果不听他们的 他们不会心慈手软的

3. That we could have taken action if he didn't comply.

要是他不答应 我们可要采取行动了

4. Right, which is why we comply with the subpoena.

没错 所以我们会遵守传票规定

5. If you don't comply, it's considered a fail.

如果不配合 就认为是不通过

6. I'm complying here. I'm a team player.

我听你们的 我喜欢团队合作

7. If you do not comply, you will be deactivated.

如果你不服从 那么你将被关机

8. Because they're not obeying the law, they're not complying.

因为他们违反法律 还不服从命令

9. He recited the poem so you would have to comply.

他背诵了这首诗 你们只能听他的话

10. If you do not comply, we will do to your family what you did to ours.

如若不然 你曾对我们的家人犯下的罪孽 将加诸于你的骨肉至亲



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

