中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['neɡətɪvlɪ] 美 [ˈnɛɡətɪvlɪ]

adv. 否定地, 消极地

r. in a harmful manner
r. in a negative way


1. You hear anything, a negative thought, a negative whisper, a negative cough, you let me know.

要是你听到什么消息 反对的想法 反对的低语 反对的咳嗽 就告诉我

2. And then I had all these negatives, like, insane amounts of negatives.

然后我就有了这一整套底片 多到发疯的负片

3. And since the negative of a negative is a positive, stealing from a thief is okay.

既然负负得正 从小偷那里偷东西没问题

4. You see, that's a classic negative response, from a classically negative man.

你瞧 這是個典型的負面反應 出自一個典型的負能量的人

5. A word of caution, any negative reaction will be met with far worse negative reaction.

注意 要开始了 治疗过程中任何负面反抗 都会迎来更严厉的惩罚

6. I've heard politicians in the past agree they won't go negative, and they always go negative, and I think I know why.

我听说过去 家们虽然同意 不会采取消极策略 但他们总会采取这一招 而我想我知道原因

7. Oh, and a word of caution, any negative reaction will be met with a far worse negative reaction.

哦 一句警告 任何负面反抗 将会受到更严厉的负面对待

8. You have risen above any negative speculation there was about you.

你已经招惹到 一些敌对人士了

9. Don't be so negative. It's just the beginning.

别那么灰心 只是刚开场吧了

10. Negative, we don't know it's our man.

不行 我们不知道是不是我们的人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

