中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['di:lə(r)] 美 [ˈdilɚ]

n. 经销商, 商人
[经] 交易员, 贩卖商

n. a firm engaged in trading
n. a seller of illicit goods
n. the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game


1. Your ecstasy dealer is also your alcohol dealer.

卖 的人那里也有酒卖

2. I'm a drug dealer who hit a rival drug dealer, and you're the guns I got to do it.

我是一個打擊競爭對手的毒販 你就爲我所用的工具

3. You got underaged girls, you got drug dealers, you even have dead drug dealers.

你们有未成年少女 贩毒者 你们甚至还有死去的贩毒者

4. Whether you're a coke dealer, a thief, an arms dealer, or a spy, you need someone to clean your money.

无论你是毒贩 贼 军火商 还是间谍 你都需要有人来洗钱

5. You knowingly, passively, allow someone to lie on your air, and maybe you're not a drug dealer, but you're sure as hell the guy who drives the dealer around in your car.

你默许别人在你的节目里撒谎 也许你不是毒贩子 可你毫无疑问 是开车载着毒贩子四处兜售的司机

6. So he could have been meeting with a dealer.


7. I'm more of a supplier than a dealer.

与其说我是贩子 不如说我是供应商

8. And I wouldn't be a mule. I wouldn't be a dealer.

我也不会运毒 不会成为毒贩

9. He was a drug dealer. It's all in here.

他是个毒贩 全在这里面了

10. No, that is not how drug dealers work.

不能 毒贩子不会那么做事



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

