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音标: 英 [ˈseksləs] 美 [ˈsɛkslɪs]

a. 无性的, 中性的, 无性别的, 缺乏性感的, 性欲冷淡的

s. having no sexual desire
s. sexually unattractive


1. I was in a sexless marriage for almost 11 years.

将近十一年 我都过着无性婚姻

2. Now is the time to foster a sexless environment.


3. He is cute and funny, and he gave me a couple of those sexless massages.

他可爱有趣 还对我进行了无性

4. Great news. I just got out of a sexless marriage.

好消息 我擺脫了一段無性婚姻

5. Harrison was going to leave me, he didn't want to infect me, and he didn't want me to have to lead a sexless life.

哈里森本想离开我的 他不想感染我 也不想让我过无性的生活

6. Studies have shown that there are health benefits for men who reside in a state of sexless antagoni with a life partner.

研究表明对于一个处于 无性对立状态的男人来说 找一位人生伴侣 对他的健康是有益的

7. I'm taking some time and considering, as I turn 60, whether I can stand to spend the rest of my life sexless and alone.

我想花点时间好好考虑考虑 我要60了 我能否忍受剩下的日子孤苦伶仃 没有



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

