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[医] 钯(46号元素)

n a silver-white metallic element of the platinum group that resembles platinum; occurs in some copper and nickel ores; does not tarnish at ordinary temperatures and is used (alloyed with gold) in jewelry


1. Tara and I will set up with the local Pd.


2. Plymouth Pd are collecting those names as we speak.


3. Look, even the Pd's taking this seriously.

你看 連警察都對這事這麼認真

4. Just please remember that metro Pd is here to support.


5. local Pd's on the lookout, and i've ordered checkpoints along the interstates.

当地警局展开全面搜索 我已经下令在州际公路布置检查站

6. Yeah, current Pd's full of pussies who care more about liability and politics.

是是是 現在的警察局養的都是一羣娘炮 他們更在乎債務和

7. I'd like to thank the brave officers of the metro Pd who prevented a threat against my life today.

我要感谢城区警局的 勇敢警探在今天阻止了一场对我的刺杀

8. Then this pal from high school tells me the local Pd's hiring, so took the bus downtown.

我高中的一个同学 告诉我当地警局在招人 所以我乘坐了去市中心的公交

9. back bay Pd got a call at 0300 from a guard on duty at a storage facility.

后湾警局在凌晨三点接到 一个仓库保安的电话

10. He kind of jumped the gun on that one, but looks like local Pd has it under control, so we're gonna just pack and blow.

他过早下了结论 不过当地警局似乎已经控制住了局势 所以我们正准备返回总部



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

