中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [mɪs'mætʃɪd] 美 [mɪs'mætʃɪd]

a. 配错的

a. either not matched or unsuitably matched
s. (of a contest or contestants) not fairly matched as opponents


1. She was abducted by a man obsessed with mi atched eyes.


2. The dip may be storebought and the napkins mi atched.

蘸酱是买的 餐巾也不搭配

3. I I love your weirdass, mi atched wool socks.

我 我喜欢你奇怪的 不成对的羊毛袜

4. I believe it's the system for mi atching the delusional with the hopeless.

我认为是系统错误地把妄想狂 和绝望之人匹配在一起

5. Meanwhile,I'm wearing mi atched socks from the irregular bin.


6. Because the kid had mi atched eyes, something he would have inherited from a parent.

因为他两只眼颜色不一样 这应该是从父母那里遗传的

7. But there was a fork, one mi atched abomination with a plastic handle.

但是有一把叉子 带着塑料柄的不恭之物

8. Sure, they were mi atched, but together, their love just made sense.

的确 他们并不般配 但他们在一起时 爱得那么理所当然

9. A heart has just been procured for transplantation, but it presents a significant size mi atch.

一颗心脏适合移植 但是尺寸差异很大

10. The job was allconsuming and put strains on an already complicated and mi atched marriage.

那份工作劳神费力 也为我本就 复杂错位的婚姻带来了压力



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

