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音标: 英 ['freskəʊ] 美 [ˈfrɛsko]

n. 湿壁画, 湿壁画技法
vt. 作湿壁画于

n. a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster
n. a durable method of painting on a wall by using watercolors on wet plaster
v. paint onto wet plaster on a wall


1. And so the frescos you have now, they are dated 1800something.


2. It's not stuck on a wall, like a fresco.


3. Not cookery, not restoring frescoes and not boats.

不是厨艺节目 不是修复壁画 更不是划船节目

4. His brief was to cover the villa walls with frescoes.


5. I shall commission a new chapel: frescos on the ceiling.

我还要建新的礼拜堂 在天棚上画壁画

6. I remember my time there so vividly, like I frescoed the walls of my mind.

在那里的时光深深印在我脑海里 如同壁画一般

7. And in this little side chapel is something very amazing, a fresco that dates from 1190.

这个小礼拜堂有着一些不可思议的遗迹 一幅可以追溯至1190年的壁画

8. Raphael, paint a fresco so beautiful it will stop the thief in his tracks.

拉斐尔的壁画是如此美丽 会让小偷沉浸其中无法自拔

9. Well, we do currently exist primarily al fresco but with all the advantages that that entails.

我们目前主要生存于户外 但这种生活有其独到之处

10. Okay, you knew I didn't want you here and you said you weren't gonna be here, yet here you are with your... guacamole and your fresco queso.

你知道我不希望你来 你也说自己不会来 结果你来了 带着你那...鳄梨色拉酱 和莫斯科私企



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


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