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音标: 英 [ˈfɔ:lshʊd] 美 [ˈfɔlsˌhʊd]

n. 谎言, 虚假(性)
[法] 虚伪陈述, 谎言, 谬误

n. a false statement


1. Pretending we are separate from it, that is the falsehood.

假装我们与之是分开的 那才是虚假的

2. Especially when one discovers a pressing falsehood.

尤其是有人当面欺我 却又缄口不言

3. I know that I'm asking you to repeat a falsehood, but I would be so grateful.

我知道我在请求你们犯错 可我会很感激你们的

4. I'm now giving you the chance to correct those falsehoods.


5. They combine the unalloyed truth with the falsehoods, something they believe themselves.

他们会将真相和谎言编织在一起 有时候 他们自己都会相信自己

6. Its real meaning hidden beneath the sediment of lies and falsehoods.

它的真实意思隐藏在 无数谎言之下

7. I'm not partial to falsehoods, but I dare say there are times when they're more honourable than the truth.

我不爱说谎 但是我得说 有时候谎言比真相更令人尊敬

8. The papers may be rife with falsehoods, but they can sow the seeds of discontent.

这些报纸可能不尽真实 但他们可以散布不满的情绪

9. Adam, I am nothing but falsehood and vanity; the armor I wear, to hide the truth.

亚当 我不过是谎言和虚荣的集合体 我钻进盔甲来掩藏真相

10. A falsehood he perpetuated himself so that he could sell the gold's location to another crew in exchange for a larger share of the prize.

这是他编造的谎言 好把金币所在地点卖给其他船队 以换取更高的分成



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

