中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['benɪfɪt] 美 [ˈbɛnəfɪt]

n. 利益
vt. 有益于
vi. 受益

n. financial assistance in time of need
n. something that aids or promotes well-being
n. a performance to raise money for a charitable cause
v. be beneficial for


1. So, one of the benefits you get is benefit of the doubt.


2. What benefits the bottom line benefits everyone.

只要有利于收益 就有利于所有人

3. It's to their benefit, not to yours.

这是对他们有利 不是对你

4. Ah, the syndicate benefits when I benefit because everybody has a share.

当我赚钱的时候 财团也受益 因为每个人都有份额

5. Whatever benefits your family can also benefit mine.


6. This race is gonna be one of the closest in history, so what benefits me benefits you.

这会是历史上最难分胜负的竞赛 对我有利就是对你有利

7. We believe that friends with benefits deserve benefits because sex work is work.

我们认为目的是 的交友也需要享受福利 因为性工作也是工作

8. There's a whole lot of benefit to be had by giving the benefit of the doubt to something you hold dear.

对你自己坚持的事情持 无罪假定的态度绝非坏事 亲爱的

9. I'd benefit from your coolperson youth wisdom and you could benefit from my older lady homeowner wisdom.

我会从你的炫酷青年智慧中受益 你能跟我学习成年女性房主的智慧

10. Now, not even the people who are the most spectacular recipients of the benefits of this prosperity are able to endure these benefits.

现在 哪怕是其中最 能从这种繁荣中获益的人 也不能再忍受这些好处了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

