中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 盾, 防卫物(shield的复数形式)

n a protective covering or structure
n armor carried on the arm to intercept blows
n hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles
v protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm
v hold back a thought or feeling about


1. So eventually you'll get to the point where you can deploy a much larger parachute, so you have a lot more acting to slow yourself down and, at this point, you're going slow enough that you don't really need this heat shield any more, so you jettison your heat shield.

最终你会到达一个临界点 那时你就可以释放一顶大得多的降落伞 这样你就能更有效地降低你的速度 此时 你的速度已经足够低 其实不再需要挡热板了 你就可以将挡热板分离

2. Well, if you shield him, he'll do it again.

如果你们包庇他 他还会再犯案

3. We'll have your sons' shields and your own.


4. I convinced myself I was shielding you.

我说服自己 我这是在保护你

5. No, she was shielded from the kidnapping.

不 她被绑架了 是我们营救护送了她

6. He wants to shield her from this, but it was more than that.

他想要保护她 单不仅仅如此

7. That shield of yours impresses me more and more.


8. I didn't do it to shield you, I did it to spare you.

我不是不让你知道 而是为了让你免责

9. If the transporters are up, then we have no shields.

如果傳送機運行起來 我們就沒有護盾了

10. You are who you are because I shielded you from your father.

你能做自己 是因为我保护你不受你父亲的伤害



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

