中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈʃeɪmfl] 美 [ˈʃemfəl]

a. 可耻的, 丢脸的, 不道德的, 淫猥的, 猥亵的, 不体面的

s (used of conduct or character) deserving or bringing disgrace or shame
s giving offense to moral sensibilities and injurious to reputation


1. You can't shame a guy who's got no shame.


2. The worst part of it was that I shamed myself for being shamed.

最糟糕的是 我为自己感到羞愧而羞愧

3. Because if that's why you're not, shame on you.

你要是因为这个才不要他 就太可耻了

4. Who lucked out with weekend detention after her shameful, shameful crime.

很不幸要参加周末的留堂 因为她那可耻的罪行

5. Hey, shame on you for shaming all over us for trying to fix a problem.

我还鄙视你鄙视我们俩 努力解决问题呢

6. That's not to say some urges might overtake me, and cause me to think unclearly and do things that I'm shamefully, shamefully embarrassed about.

虽然有些时候 我会被冲动蒙蔽了头脑 导致我思绪混乱 做出让我非常丢脸而且尴尬的事情

7. Maybe she was filled with shame, but a greater shame is, her unborn child never even stood a fair chance.

也许她心中充满愧疚 但更该感到愧疚的是 她没出世的孩子从未得到公平的机会

8. You shamed your mom into quitting, who shamed my mom into quitting and then everyone else quit and now the whole thing's canceled.

你羞辱 让她放弃 她羞辱我妈让她放弃 然后所有人都放弃了 现在整场演出都取消了

9. Whatever shame you may or may not be feeling, I can assure you it's nothing compared to the shame I felt at your age, over something I did.

不管你有没有感到羞愧 我向你保证 和我在你的年纪所感受到的羞愧程度想比 都不值一提

10. And and shame on you for suggesting it.

你怎么能这么说我 太可耻了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

