中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [bɪz] 美 [bɪz]

[计] biz机构

n your occupation or line of work


1. But if this sponsorship doesn't drum up some biz, we'll be out of biz.

但如果这次赞助不能给我们带来点生意 我们就做不成生意了

2. While you're at it, you could show biz a shot for yourself.

顺便 你也可以去影视圈试试

3. I've been in this biz since the silents.

自打默片时代起 我就干这行了

4. You know, getting into the biz, babe.

你懂得 混进圈子嘛 宝贝

5. biz taught me that trick when I was 12.

我12岁时 别兹就是这么教我的

6. No more sugar biz 'cause you people screwed it up.

不做了 因为你手下搞砸了

7. And, of course, he wants me to follow in the family biz.

当然 他希望我加入家族企业

8. That is what we in the biz call an encouraging parasympathetic response.

这是我们要研究的 一个令人鼓舞的副交感神经反应

9. I thought you said your pop was in the movie biz.

我记得你说 爸是影视圈的

10. Dude, you told me yourself, she lives with you in your house, all up in your biz.

伙计 你自己跟我说的 她和你住在同一屋檐下 总插手你的事儿



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

