中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ru:m] 美 [rum, rʊm]

n. 房间, 空位, 场所
vi. 住宿, 居住
vt. 留宿

n. an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling
n. space for movement
n. opportunity for
n. the people who are present in a room


1. My parent's room, my room, my sister's room.

我父母的房間 我的 我妹妹的

2. I'm in the room, but I'm never in the room.

我虽然在房间里 却没有存在感

3. The room is the same room we had, the absolute same.

这个房间是我们住过的同一间房 完全相同的一间

4. All you have to do is shift the guest in room one to room two, the guest from room two to room three and so on down the line.

你要做的就是让一号房间的客人 搬到二号房间 二号房间的客人到三号房间 以此类推

5. No room for free will, no room for liberty, no room for emancipation.

不要再去想什麼自由意志 也不要再去想過放縱的生活 更不要想著自我解放

6. But until then, you stick to your rooms and your rooms only.

但在那之前 你只能进出自己的房间

7. What we could do is arrange that the guests in room one moved into room two and the guest in room two moved into room four, each guest moved into the room with double the number.

我们应该安排一号房间的客人 搬到二号房间 二号房间的客人搬到四号房间 每个房间的客人都搬到双倍数的房间中

8. Because there's no last room, every guest has a next room to go to and that frees up room one, so I can stay in room one.

因为没有最后一间房 所以每个客人都有下一间房可以更换 这样就会空出一间房来 所以说可以住在一号房间

9. She would go in a room and she wouldn't leave the room until every single person in that room was committed.

她会走进一个房间 直到房间里的所有人 都同意投票给他后 她才会离开

10. It was supposed to be a room with no adjoining rooms.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

