中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [twɪt] 美 [twɪt]

vt. 责难, 愚弄, 嘲笑
n. 谴责, 责骂, 嘲笑

n. aggravation by deriding or mocking or criticizing


1. You're only proving my point, you twit.

你愈发证明了我的观点 傻瓜

2. You can fool those twits over there, but you can't fool me.

你能骗过那边那些笨蛋 但你骗不了我

3. Because for an impudent, impatient little twit such as yourself, it won't be that simple.

因为对一个像你一样鲁莽又急躁的 小笨蛋来说 不会那么容易

4. Seems audiences really like you highmaintenance twits for some reason.

似乎觀眾不知為什么很喜歡 你費心費力發的推特

5. It also involves updating the website and throwing up an occasional twit.

这工作还包括网站的更新 偶尔还要发发推特

6. And although I don't know what a twit is, objectively, I am thin and lack muscular definition.

我虽不知道twit是什么 但客观来说 我确实瘦而且缺少肌肉

7. See, the fact that you know that means that you're even more of a giant twit than I'd previously thought.

你对这些事了如指掌 只证明了 你比我之前想的还要



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

