中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈləʊəd] 美 ['laʊəd]

v. 降低;削弱(lower的过去分词)

a. below the surround or below the normal position


1. And it's going to get lower and lower and lower.

太阳高度越来越低 越来越低

2. Stall for time, lower expectations, lower the pulse.

拖延时间 降低期待值 降低冲动

3. Tell your men to lower their weapons and I'll lower mine.

让你的人放下武器 我也放下我的

4. That's what I am. I'm lower than that.

那就是我 我比那还低级

5. I mean, most people in prison are from lower, lower income families, not educated.

监狱里的大多数犯人都来自 收入水平比较低下的家庭 没什么文化

6. The strangest thing is it's not a cheap hotel, but the guests have become lower and lower class.

最奇怪的是 那家酒店不便宜 但那里的客人却越来越低级了

7. can result in lower obesity rates not to mention lower instances of depression.

可以降低肥胖率 更不用说更低的抑郁症发病率

8. We'll just keep sinking lower and lower if he's in charge, and I will not let that happen.

一旦他掌了舵 我们将永无宁日 我不会坐视这一切发生的

9. Especially not if your opponent knows the same trick as you and you're just steadily trying to get lower and lower than the other person.

特别是当你的对手也知道这个把戏 这时你只要尽量逐渐 比对方越来越低就可以了

10. Sure, you tell people it's the hip, the lower, lower back side of the hip, but I got shot in the ass.

当然 你跟人说的时候是说臀部 臀部的下部 但我真的是 中枪



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

