中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['rentɪŋ] 美 ['rentɪŋ]

v. 租用;出租(rent的ing形式)

n the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car)
v let for money
v grant use or occupation of under a term of contract
v engage for service under a term of contract
v hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services


1. I'm puttin' up your rent. I'm puttin' up his rent.

我要给你涨房租了 我要给他涨房租

2. You're here to tell me that if I raise the rent, you'll have a rent strike.

你们来这里是想告诉我如果我涨租金 你们就不再交房租了

3. He took a rent from the people, but it was a surplus rent.

他会向子民收租 但那是剩余租金

4. I think he rents it, and then we pay his rent, if you see what I mean.

是他代为出租的 我们付租金给他 你明白我意思吗

5. So renting it to someone else would be like renting out your pet.

所以出租自己的私家车 就好比出租你自家的宠物

6. I rented you the cowshed, we agreed the three pounds monthly rent.

我租给了你牛棚 都说好了每月三英镑的租金

7. So just because we're renting out five stations, doesn't mean we need to rent out to just five people.

就因为我们要租出去5个铺面 不代表我们只能租给5个人

8. They match hosts who want to rent out their homes with guests who want to rent them and get a commission from each one.

他们帮有房招租的房东 和找房租的房客配对 并和双方收取佣金

9. Your partner rents a room in some cardboard piece of shit apartment block, and your boyfriend rents in a part of town even I don't wanna live in.

你的搭档 只是跟人合租小公寓 而你男朋友 在一个连我都不想待的区域租房住

10. An acute shortage of rental properties and rising rents mean many lowincome families can no longer afford to rent accommodation from private landlords.

出租房严重短缺以及租金不断上涨意味着 越来越多的低收入家庭将 无力从私人房东手中租赁房屋



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

