中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈhɔ:srædɪʃ] 美 [ˈhɔrsˌrædɪʃ]

n. 辣根, 辣根所制调味剂

n. the root of the horseradish plant; it is grated or ground and used for seasoning
n. coarse Eurasian plant cultivated for its thick white pungent root
n. grated horseradish root


1. I found the spice rack, but there's no horseradish.

我找到了香料架 但没有辣根

2. Tell them to grate the horseradish, not slice it.

叫他们把辣根磨碎 不要切

3. We should warn you about the apples, they taste like horseradish.

我们得提醒你们 苹果一股辣根味儿

4. We've researched an antidote, but only horseradish can save you.

我们查到了解药 但只有辣根能救你

5. We have to find horseradish, or another culinary substitute.

我们得找到辣根 或者其他替代品

6. A ball is for dancing and eating those horseradish and venison puffs.

舞会使用来跳舞 并享受这些辣根和鹿肉泡芙的

7. I'm making a spread for the toast out of horseradish and crème fraiche.

我在制作抹面包酱料 利用辣根和鲜奶油

8. I know it's cheating, but I think I might get a jar of horseradish.

我知道这是作弊 但我可能会去买罐山葵

9. I think a moose tartar prepared with fresh horseradish and a quail's egg.

我想要一份 加了新鲜辣根和鹌鹑蛋的驼鹿排

10. Hot sauce, horseradish, kale, a raw egg, and, uh, about six other things designed to cure a hangover.

辣椒酱 辣根 甘蓝 生鸡蛋 还有 差不多六种其他能治宿醉的东西



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

