中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈæŋgjələ(r)] 美 [ˈæŋɡjəlɚ]

a. 有角的, 消瘦的, 有尖角的, 生硬的
[医] 角的, 角形的

a. measured by an angle or by the rate of change of an angle
a. having angles or an angular shape


1. What's neat is that they can maintain angular momentum indefinitely.

最酷的是它可以永久性地 保持角动量

2. I see her as a very attractive, wondrous kind of very angular, slim person.

我看她应该是很漂亮 瘦削有棱角的奇女子

3. It's a physics toy that demonstrates angular momentum, potential energy, and kinetic energy.

是一种物理学玩具 用来演示角动量 势能与动能

4. Visual sighting less than 500 feet away, showing angular extension and detail.

距离150米以内的目击 能够看清形状和细节

5. It will provide angular measurements at the line of sight to any object and permit us to obtain accurate positional data.

它会为视线范围内的任何物体 提供角度测量 并允许我们 获得准确的位置数据

6. With male faces, they tend to have a larger jawline, a more angular jawline, a longer nose, and the larger brow ridge, which makes them more masculine.

男性的脸通常下颌轮廓更大 下巴棱角更分明 鼻子更长 眉骨更大 这样看起来更有男子气概

7. Close encounter of the first kind, visual sighting less than 500 feet away showing angular extension and detail.

第一類接觸 距離150米以內的目擊 能夠看清形狀和細節

8. Meaning that for the horizontal motion of the blood that has been projected as a result of castoff is going to create more angular stains that would look more similar to these more elongated stains here.

意味着对于被抛掷引起的 血迹水平方向的移动 会留下更细的血迹 看起来会更像这些拉长的血迹

9. I am now recalculating flight dynamics, considering the massive shifts in center of mass, aerodynamic drag profile and the complete modification of angular acceleration.

我正在重新计算飞行动态 要考虑到质心的重大变化 空气动力剖面阻力 以及角加速度的彻底调整



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