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音标: 英 [dʒu:s] 美 [dʒus]

n. 汁, 活力, 体液
vt. 挤出汁来, 加汁

n. the liquid part that can be extracted from plant or animal tissue by squeezing or cooking
n. energetic vitality
n. electric current
n. any of several liquids of the body


1. Holden, I've brought you an apple juice and an orange juice.

霍尔登 我给你拿了苹果汁 和橙汁

2. Well, I find orange juice to be the most pedestrian of the major juices.

我觉得各种果汁里 橙汁最没劲

3. And garlic juice got the natural juices from the beef mixed with the spices and the water.

牛肉的汤汁加入大蒜汁 再加入调料和水

4. Well, cancer led me to the juice, and if the juice is helping people, then it gives me some reason as to why all of this is happening to me.

罹患癌症让我发明了胡萝卜汁 如果胡萝卜汁能帮助他人 那我所经历的这一切 也就都有意义了

5. So, I'll see, you know, it's a bit like having, like, lemon juice or lime juice sprinkled over protein.

有点像是在蛋白质上撒上一点柠檬汁 或者酸橙汁

6. Then I got tomato juice, which doubles for blood, and I got low sodium tomato juice which doubles for blood but is better for you.

还带了番茄酱 制造鲜血效果 还有瓶低钠番茄酱 同样制造鲜血效果 不过更健康

7. Some girls like vodka and cranberry juice, and some girls like rum and orange juice, but by far the most popular pregame mixer has gotta be the crippling dietary restrictions and body image issues that we are unable to shed until we're wasted and we order and consume an entire cheese pizza in 15 minutes.

有的女孩喜欢伏特加配蔓越莓汁 有的喜欢朗姆配橙汁 但目前为止最受欢迎的是 严格的饮食控制和 身体形象 这些在我们喝醉之前无法摆脱的问题 我们会15分钟点完吃完整个披萨

8. You would think it would have more juice.


9. Where's my juice? It's been an hour.

我的果汁呢 都过了一个小时了

10. You'll have to do better than juice.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

