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音标: 英 [ˈkerəsi:n] 美 [ˈkɛrəˌsin, ˈkær-, ˌkɛrəˈsin, ˌkær-]

n. 煤油, 火油, 灯油
[化] 煤油

n. a flammable hydrocarbon oil used as fuel in lamps and heaters


1. The ones you soaked with kerosene and dropped a match on.

你用来浸火水 然后掉下火柴

2. Ah, while you're up, get them kerosene lamps and wipe them down.

正好你起来了 把煤油灯准备好

3. A little bit of kerosene, fwoomp! Incendiary journali .

泼上一点煤油 轰地点燃了新闻界

4. I've got your teacher tied up in a warehouse, soaked in kerosene.

我已经把你老师绑在仓库里 泡在煤油里了

5. He purchased a twoperson tent, kerosene lamp, bug spray.

他卖了双人帐篷 煤油灯和杀虫剂

6. We have an oil refinery and the kerosene we're producing isn't selling like it used to.

我们家在那儿有个炼油厂 出产的煤油卖得没以前好了

7. I haven't felt this sharp and focused since I first elled kerosene.

我上次感到如此 精神抖擞还是第一次闻汽油的时候

8. Dragged me into the backyard, poured kerosene all over 'em, lit 'em up.

把我拉到后院 把鞋浇上煤油 点着了

9. See, we've always refined crude into kerosene and thrown away the waste that we strip down.

你看 我们一直在把原油精炼成煤油 然后把余下的废渣扔掉

10. They carried the screaming mom down to the library where they had soaked her hu and in kerosene, laughing as they set him on fire.

他们把尖叫的母亲扛到楼下图书室 她丈夫在那里已经被浇满了煤油 他们大笑着将他点燃



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

