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音标: 英 [enˌsefəˈlaɪtəs] 美 [ɛnˌsɛfəˈlaɪtɪs]

n. 脑炎
[医] 脑炎, 大脑炎

n. inflammation of the brain usually caused by a virus; symptoms include headache and neck pain and drowsiness and nausea and fever (`phrenitis' is no longer in scientific use)


1. And we can't go there because of the encephalitis.

因为脑炎 我们已经不能再用了

2. It's possible that it's evolved into encephalitis or meningitis.


3. I want to see if the hallucinations are a result of encephalitis.

我想看看是不是脑炎导致你 产生幻觉

4. The encephalitis was caused by the herpes virus, type 2.


5. We should also do a spinal tap rule out meningitis and encephalitis.

我们还应该给她做脊椎穿刺 排除脑膜炎和脑炎

6. You'll still experience some symptoms of the encephalitis but to a lesser and lesser degree.

你还会有一些脑炎的症状 但程度会越来越轻

7. This man is suffering psychosis brought on by viral encephalitis from an unknown vector.

此人罹患由不明因素引起的 病毒性脑膜炎从而导致精神错乱

8. Last summer, a record number of people got tickborne encephalitis.

去年夏天 感染森林脑炎的人数 创了历史新高

9. Just for two or three days to reduce the swelling caused by the encephalitis.

就是两三天时间来消除 脑炎引起的肿胀

10. She could have had it her whole life and felt normal, but as soon as the encephalitis developed, her psychotic symptoms were triggered.

她也可以携带终身毫无异常 但一旦脑炎发展下去 她的精神病症就会被触发



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