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音标: 英 [ˌfɪzɪˈkælətɪ] 美 [ˌfɪzɪˈkælətɪ]

n. 肉体性

n preoccupation with satisfaction of physical drives and appetites


1. In these other universes, there might be physics students taking physics class but as well as learning different things in history class, they learn different things in physics class than physics students in our universe.

在这些其他宇宙中 也许有物理学学生正在上物理课 但就像在历史课上学习的会是不同的东西 他们在物理课上学习的东西也是和 我们的宇宙的物理学生学习的东西不同

2. I mean, he does computational physics, and I do theoretical physics.

我是说 他专攻计算物理学 而我研究理论物理

3. So I have to acknowledge a physical threat, and that's scary, because my body still responds to a physical threat in the same ways that it used to respond to a physical threat, and I get tense, and, you know, my blood starts pumping.

我必须承认 现在有了人身威胁 太可怕了 因为我的身体仍然在对人身威胁作出反应 用跟以前一样的方式来应对它 我会紧张 同时我的血液开始上涌

4. Nothing but the laws of physics, and my own significant physical limitations.

除非物理定律改变 或者我有行动障碍

5. If we pay for physical therapy, we get physical therapy.

如果我们付了理疗的钱 就要做理疗

6. And at the end of the day, physicality and physical force dominated.

结果就是 肉体和蛮力成了我的信仰

7. You need something physical that will keep you present in the physical plane.

你需要一个实物 让你能留在物质层面

8. Your assignment is to write an essay on the importance of physical contact and what the emotional and physical effects are in the absence of contact.

你們的作業是寫一篇論文 關於身體接觸的重要性 以及由於缺乏接觸而導致的 精神和軀體上的反應

9. This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle.

斗争可能是在道德方面 也可能是在物质方面 还可能是既在道德又在物质方面进行 但无论如何斗争是必须的

10. To have a recovery in a proper, holistic way, you cannot just deal with the physical disabilities, but there's more to the human being than just a physical disability.

为了能恰当 完全恢复 不能只医治身体的疾病 对人类来说 除此以外 还有很多事需要关注



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

