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音标: 英 [ˈbɒmə(r)] 美 [ˈbɑmɚ]

n. 轰炸机, 投弹手

n. a military aircraft that drops bombs during flight
n. a person who plants bombs
n. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments); different names are used in different sections of the United States


1. I'm a bomber. I can't believe I'm a bomber.

我是个炸弹客 真不敢相信我成了炸弹客

2. If you're flying in a bomber, there's 10 crew members in a bomber.

当你在轰炸机上时 每架轰炸机有十名成员

3. We just lost bomber 9 and bomber 13, sir.

9号和13号轰炸机失事了 长官

4. If the bomber's here, we'll find him.

如果投弹者在这里 我们会把他找出来

5. We got most of the bombers, but not all of them.

我们摧毁了大部分轰炸机 但还剩一些

6. But a suicide bomber did that, not me and not you.

但那是因為自殺式炸彈 不是我也不是你

7. All of these things are the fingerprints of your bomber.

所有这些 就是制造炸弹的人独一无二的特征

8. So bombers are monogamous with their materials.


9. He's not exfiltrating the bomber, he's taking him out.

他不是要带走炸弹袭击者 他要干掉他

10. You know, the bomber could have had accomplices.

其实 真凶可能还有同伙



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

