中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [haɪ'pɒksɪk]



1. He has poor perfusion and he's hypoxic.

他的血液流动缓慢 而且缺氧

2. She became more acidotic and hypoxic, so I had to intubate her.

她的酸中毒和缺氧更严重了 所以我得为她插管

3. If this was just ectopia cordis, he wouldn't be hypoxic.

如果只是心脏异位 他不会缺氧

4. I still have a pulse, but she's hypoxic we need to bag her.

还有脉搏 但她缺氧了 我们要给她通气

5. she and the other children have been diagnosed with what the medics are calling hypoxic brain injury.

她和其他的孩子 被医护人员诊断为 缺氧性脑损伤

6. The confusion described, the disorientation sounds more like hypoxic dementia.

但是描述中的混乱 无序 听起来更像是缺氧性痴呆

7. Okay, so the server room is protected by a hypoxic air technology system.

好吧 服务器室有 低氧空气系统保护

8. But the confusion described, the disorientation, sounds more like hypoxic dementia brought on by altitude strain, speed, lack of oxygen.

但是描述中的混乱 无序 听起来更像是由于高度拉升 速度变化和缺氧造成的缺氧性痴呆

9. I got an attending whose mother is hypoxic, and I got three pathologists in headtotoe hazmats touching every drop of bodily fluid in these patients, and all they can tell me so far is what it isn't.

我这边的一位主治医师的母亲出现缺氧 三个全副武装的病理学家 他们把患者的体液都接触了个遍 他们目前的工作成果就是已排除了哪些可能性



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

