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音标: 英 [flɪnt] 美 [flɪnt]

n. 打火石, 燧石, 极硬的东西
[化] 燧石

n. a hard kind of stone; a form of silica more opaque than chalcedony
n. a river in western Georgia that flows generally south to join the Chattahoochee River at the Florida border where they form the Apalachicola River
n. a city in southeast central Michigan near Detroit; automobile manufacturing


1. Some of them, you put them in a wooden hut, and you give them a flint, and they'll use the flint to try and light the stove, and they'll pass years like that.

其中一些人 你把他们关进一个木屋 再给他们一块打火石 他们就会试着用打火石点燃火炉 就这样度过一年又一年

2. flint is on his own out there and disadvantaged.

弗林特是孤身一人 情况对他不利

3. flint had them exactly where he needed them.


4. flint, his captaincy, I had an interest.

弗林特的船长位置 也与我利益相关

5. flint baited him into that fight, then he killed him.

弗林特挑起争端 然后杀了他

6. flint stole from me, and I'm making it right.

弗林特偷了我的东西 我要取回应得的

7. flint's made you more money than any captain here.


8. flint stole from me and I'm making it right.

弗林特偷了我的东西 我要取回应得的

9. The flint went down but the powder did not ignite.

打火石撞击后 火药没有点燃

10. You give them a flint, and they'll burn the hut down.

你给他们一块打火石 他们会把屋子烧了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

