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音标: 英 [ˈmæŋgrəʊv] 美 [ˈmæŋgroʊv]

n. 红树属树木

n. a tropical tree or shrub bearing fruit that germinates while still on the tree and having numerous prop roots that eventually form an impenetrable mass and are important in land building


1. The mangroves are not only nurseries, they're playgrounds.

红树林不仅是幼鱼的托儿所 也是游乐园

2. I deliver gas cans out to the mangroves.


3. Righto, mate, they're heading in the mangroves.

等下 兄弟们 他们正开往红树林

4. Yeah, but the jaguars in that mangrove, man, they could.


5. There is more light and more air, and the roots are roots of mangroves.

阳光和空气越来越多 红树林的根系到处都是

6. He was on the move in the mangroves, and one of our boats spotted him.

他正在红树林逃窜 我们一艘船看到了他

7. Once you get through the mangrove, you'll hit arid coastal desert.

一旦你们穿过了红树林 就会到达一个干旱的海边沙漠

8. Wade explored the maze of mangroves prime crocodile country.

韦德探索了红树迷林 鳄鱼的主要聚居地

9. I told them mangroves were the only chance they have to save the coast in the long term.

我告訴他們從長遠看來 紅樹林是他們拯救海岸的唯一機會

10. To minimise disturbance, they scanned the mangroves with infrared light, invisible to crocodiles.

为了减少干扰 他们用鳄鱼看不见的红外光 扫描了红树林



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

