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音标: 英 [ɪtʃ] 美 [ɪtʃ]

n. 痒, 渴望, 疥疮
vi. 发痒, 渴望

n. an irritating cutaneous sensation that produces a desire to scratch
v. have or perceive an itch
v. cause to perceive an itch
v. have a strong desire or urge to do something


1. I would sit in that chair itching, itching to get out, dying to get into the water.

我在那张椅子上坐立不安 渴望出发 跳入水中

2. And it itches, which is why I moved.

很痒 所以我才动来动去

3. But you were itching to do battle, so off you went to do it.

但你巴不得赶紧去跟她大战一场 就毫不犹豫地去自杀了

4. No, it's like... an itch I have to scratch.

不能 它就像不得不抓的痒

5. If one of you has an itch, you'll work it out.

你俩谁有小矛盾了 你们自己解决掉

6. A reality in which the itch doesn't exist.

在这个现实中 痒不存在

7. I don't know why I've been itching all day.

不知怎么回事 我痒了一天了

8. itching to get out, but...he's doing all right.

天天想着要出院 但是...问题不大

9. You don't realize you've been exposed until you get that itch.

没开始发痒前 都不知道你已陷入了我的魔爪

10. I'm sure you're all very excited and itching to get to it.

你们一定很激动 恨不得马上开始了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

