中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌtelɪkɪ'ni:sɪs] 美 [ˌtelɪkɪ'ni:sɪs]

n. 心灵致动, 心灵遥感
[医] 远距运动, 感应运动

n. the power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force


1. Other than telekinesis, we're drawing a blank.

除了意念移物 我們一無所獲

2. Mindreading and telekinesis is quite a powerful combination.


3. Well, if I can't temper her outbursts, maybe I should focus on her telekinesis.

我不能让她的怒气厨房出来 也许我应该把重点放在引发怒气的藏物身上

4. Her thing is neuroelectric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation.

她的特长是干扰神经电传导 拥有念力 能控制心智

5. They're trained in arts like telekinesis, hypnosis, and me eri .

他们受过心灵遥感 和各种催眠术的训练

6. Chromachron used his telekinesis to try to stop a robber's bullet.

克罗马卡戎利用他的心灵遥感 想要阻止劫匪的子弹

7. I'm thinking murder by telekinesis, maybe a shamanistic death touch.

我想这可能是利用心灵感应来杀人 或是利用了巫术的死亡之触

8. The same part of your mind that allows you to cross over contains your ability of telekinesis.

你大脑中让你能够穿越的区域 与你念力控物的区域是在一起的

9. Mostly we were concentrating on helping her control her telekinesis, not developing new skills.

我们大部分时间都是在帮她 控制住念力 而非培养新的法术

10. I asked him to join my telekinesis project, but he said he didn't want to waste his time on magical thinking.

我邀请他加入我的心灵遥感计划 可他说他不想 把时间浪费在幻想上



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

