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音标: 英 [ˈhʊdɪd] 美 [ˈhʊdɪd]

a. 有罩盖的, 戴头巾的

v cover with a hood


1. The hood, I couldn't. I couldn't read him through the hood.

面罩 我没法透过面罩解读他

2. Steven opening up the hood and touching the hood latch.

史蒂文打开引擎盖 碰了引擎盖锁扣

3. Just like your friend in the green hood without the green hood.

就像你那位戴绿色兜帽的朋友 只是我不戴绿兜帽

4. My boss founded a nonprofit to help kids from the hood, but she didn't hire anybody from the hood.

我老板为帮助贫民窟的小孩 建立了一个非盈利机构 但她并没有雇用任何贫民窟的人

5. His sweaty hands reached underneath the hood and got onto the hood latch.

他流着汗的双手伸到引擎盖下面 然后触到了引擎盖锁扣

6. ...and on the bonnet there, or hood, that's the biggest hood scoop ever fitted to a production car.

还有引擎盖... 或者是老美叫"前盖"的地方 这是我在量产车上见过的 最大的进气口

7. He's on the hood, and he's not moving.

他在引擎盖上 不动弹了

8. We're not boys and we're not in the hood.

我们不是男孩 也没戴面罩

9. It was so dark in there, and his hood was up.

那里很黑 而且他还戴着兜帽

10. They're all hooded, they look the same.

他们都带有头套 看起来都一样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

