中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pi:t] 美 [pit]

n. 泥煤, 泥炭色
[化] 泥炭

n. partially carbonized vegetable matter saturated with water; can be used as a fuel when dried


1. He cannot grow up herding cows and burning peat.


2. We're not using peat today, we're using something else.

我们今天不用泥炭做燃料了 用点别的

3. Give us leave to set snares upon the moor when we're cutting peats.

允许我们在挖煤的时候 顺便在沼泽附近安放陷阱

4. I didn't spend two weeks' peat harvest on a brandnew carnyx war horn for you to leave it hanging up on the hut wall.

我花了两周去开采泥炭 买了新的 战争号角 不是给你挂在小屋墙上看的

5. They're very low now, they've all fallen down, but on top of these stones there would have been peat, cut rather like bricks, piled up to make the wall higher.

都已经坍塌 十分低矮 在这些石块上曾经堆砌上泥炭 用泥炭制成的砖块 用这些砖块把墙堆高

6. This delivers a world, the kind of silvery quality of the c s, little boat floating past, and you think you're waking up and you can ell the peat turned over.

这张画展现的世界中 闪着银光的运河上 有小船漂过 让你觉得好像刚刚醒来 闻到了新翻动的泥炭的味道



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

