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音标: 英 [ˈklenzə(r)] 美 [ˈklɛnzɚ]

n. 使清洁的东西, 清洁剂, 清洁工
[建] 泸清器, 清洁器, 刮净器

n a preparation used in cleaning something


1. And I'm your soul mate. I'm not a palate cleanser.

我是你的灵魂伴侣 不是什么情感修复站

2. Well, I was an aura cleanser and a mushroom forager.

我当过除味清洁工 还找过蘑菇

3. Damn shame he decided to work for an ethnic cleanser.


4. I find that it is an excellent palate cleanser between shots of whiskey.

我发现珊布卡 在喝威士忌时有助于清口

5. Antonovich dropped a can of cleanser through the bars, and we opened it to let him get it.

安东诺维奇把一桶清洁剂掉了进去 我们就打开门让他取

6. He used to, uh, make shit out of kitchen stuff cook down cleansers and whatnot.

他能用厨房里的东西搞出花样 煮煮清洁剂之类乱七八糟的东西

7. So, before we move on to our lobster poche beurre, a little melon ball palate cleanser.

那么 在享用奶油龙虾之前 我们先吃点蜜瓜球清清味蕾吧

8. When the face cleanser looked more luxurious and scientific, our customers were more than twice as likely to buy it.

当洁面乳看上去更奢华更科学时 会多出两倍的顾客愿意买

9. I had a horrible meeting with my manager, and I want a palate cleanser so I can wash it out of my mouth.

我刚跟经纪人谈了一场特别不顺的话 所以我需要口腔清洁剂 把那些话从我嘴里洗干净

10. You know, the work, we sweat, we break out, so I start my routine with a gentle exfoliating cleanser.

这份工作会让我们大汗淋漓 还有各种突发事件 所以我会先从 温和的去角质洁面乳开始



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