中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['pəʊkɪ] 美 ['poʊkɪ]

n. 监狱
a. 迟钝的, 狭小的, 破旧的, 单调的

n a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)
s wasting time
s small and remote and insignificant


1. Well, on a normal day, you'd be off to the pokey now.

换个日子 你现在已经在去牢房的路上了

2. Five murders, that's a lot of years in the pokey.

五起谋杀 那可得在监狱蹲上好多年

3. The hokey pokey is a young man's game.


4. Well, you're out of the pokey, and, uh, I passed my midterms.

你出狱了 我...也通过了期中考试

5. We'll have to sit and knit more like pokey old women.


6. Oh, big deal. I had a pokey slammed into my hoosegow this morning.

了不起 今早我把一个监狱 拘留进了我的牢房

7. Well, he's got open warrants, so he's in the pokey until we find a better suspect.

他被逮捕过 所以在找到更有嫌疑的人之前他得蹲在号子里

8. pokey, every time I turn around, you think something's chasing you.

波奇 我一转过去 你就觉得有人在追你

9. My bones keep resorbing and forming all these kinds of pokey bones, and it's not allowing me to heal.

我出现了骨吸收 形成了各种细小的骨碎片 让我不能愈合



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

