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音标: 英 ['li:mə] 美 ['li:mə]

n. 利马(秘鲁首都)

n. capital and largest city and economic center of Peru; located in western Peru; was capital of the Spanish empire in the New World until the 19th century


1. lima team, on my command, drop back.

利馬小隊 聽我指揮 退后

2. Mashed lima beans, cocoa powder, a little sweetener.

青豆泥 可可粉 再加一点甜味剂

3. These lima beans are even better than the ones we had for breakfast and lunch.

这豆子比我们早上 和中午吃到的还要好吃

4. You two, stop talking and resume the lima bean harvest.

你们两个 不许说话 继续摘豆荚

5. lima team, stand by. 2 minutes, 2 minutes.

利馬小隊 待命 兩分鐘準備 兩分鐘

6. Now that is how you distract everyone from a condom in a can of lima beans.

这样大家就不会注意到 棉豆罐头里的 了

7. The lectins in lima beans, they react to the surface of red blood cells.

利马豆里的凝集素 会对红细胞的表面有反应

8. Here are a few items no dieter should ever have in the house: peas, lima beans, avocadoes, olives, dried beans, corn, butter, most cheese.

以下是几样绝不能出现在节食者家中的东西 豌豆 青豆 鳄梨 橄榄 干豆 玉米 黄油 绝大部分奶酪



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

